VEDANTA GLOSSARYWhat is jnana yoga?Jñana yoga is the last phase of the process toward Self-realization, and the only one to focus specifically on Vedanta (knowledge derived...
HARD QUESTIONSWhat proof does Vedanta show that experience is non-dual?Vedanta defines non-duality as that which is free from subject-object duality. In other words, there is no separation between you as...
VEDANTA Q&AHow can Vedanta help us to overcome the suffering and pain we experience in life?In spite of what people think about Vedanta, its goal isn’t to provide clever philosophical dissertations on the meaning of reality or be...
OTHERVedanta - Just Another Story?We thrive on stories, it’s the very air we breathe. From the moment we are able to speak and understand language, we are ingesting...